
On this page, you will find all the information needed to run and test your own version of the Logos crate, locally.

We assume you have basic knowledge with git and GitHub. If that is not the case, please refer to the link mentioned in Contributing.


You need to have both git and Rust installed on your computer, see installation procedures:

Once it's done, clone the Logos repository on your computer:

git clone

If you have a fork of this repository, make sure to clone it instead.

Finally, launch a terminal (i.e., command-line) session and go to the logos directory.

Checking the code compiles

A good way to see if you code can compile is to use the eponym command:

cargo check --workspace

Formatting and linting your code

Prior to suggesting changes in a pull request, it is important to both format your code:

cargo fmt

and check against Rust's linter:

cargo clippy

Make sure to run those frequently, otherwise your pull request will probably fail to pass the automated tests.

Testing your code

A code that compiles isn't necessarily correct, and testing it against known cases is of good practice:

cargo test --workspace

You can also run benchmarks:

cargo bench --workspace --benches

Building the documentation

Logos' documentation needs to be built with Rust's nightly toolchain.

You can install the latest nightly channel with:

rustup install nightly

Then, use the following command to build the documentation with a similar configuration to the one used by

RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg docsrs" cargo +nightly doc \
    --features debug \
    -Zunstable-options \
    -Zrustdoc-scrape-examples \
    --no-deps \
    --open \

Building the book

Logos' book can be built with mbBook.

This tool can be installed with cargo:

cargo install mdbook

You also need to install mdbook-admonish and its assets:

cargo install mdbook admonish
cd book/  # You must run the next command from the book/ directory
mdbook-admonish install

Then, you can build the book with:

mbook serve book --open

Any change in the ./book folder will automatically trigger a new build, and the pages will be live-reloaded.